HWF’s Wish List

If you find yourself with items you no longer need or want, please review our wish list below and consider giving them a new home with HWF! (New items are welcome too, but we are delighted to have pre-loved items–truly!)

Landscaping Tools:

25+’ garden hose

garden hose nozzle

5′ aluminum ladder

2-step step stool

cloth gardening gloves

leather work gloves

leaf rake

push broom

metal garden rake


plastic buckets with handles

hand tools (trowel, gardening fork/hand rake, weeder, pruning shears)

spray polyurethane (leftovers okay!)

pressure washer

stiff bristle scrub brushes

steel wool

Office Supplies:

cream-colored card stock (8.5″x 11″)

poster paper (11″x 17″)

copy paper (8.5″ x 11″)

set of computer speakers (with USB or audio jack plug-in)

dry erase markers

black sharpies


mouse pads

plastic tubs with lids (any size)

painters tape

postage stamps



set of kitchen knives

floor & table lamps

shelves (bookshelves & otherwise)

Want to donate? Have questions? Please contact:

Blair Middleton

Office Manager

Historic Wilmington Foundation


office: 910.762.2511

cell (text okay): 910.617.1643