In addition to signature events like the much-anticipated Azalea Festival Home Tour and our Annual Fundraising Luncheon, HWF and Legacy Architectural Salvage host workshops and happenings all year ‘round. We are continually updating our calendar, so check back often!

Latest Past Events

3rd Annual LAS Sip-n-Shop

Legacy Architectural Salvage 1831-B Dawson St, Wilmington

Join us for the Third Annual Sip-n-Shop Vintage + Makers Market! This fun outdoor event features more than a dozen area vendors, free sips and snacks courtesy of Historic Wilmington […]

LAS Second Saturday Workshop

Legacy Architectural Salvage 1831-B Dawson St, Wilmington

1831-B Dawson St, Wilmington, NC 28403 (Behind Stevens Ace Hardware)Project topic to be announced soon!