The James D. & Rosalie W. Carr Plaque has been awarded this year to the City Municipal Golf Course at 311 South Wallace Avenue, Wilmington. Jimmy Carr was one of the founding members of HWF’s Plaque Committee. Annually, in Jimmy’s memory, the Committee awards a plaque to an entity that may not otherwise apply for one, often a significant civic or government building.
Thursday, May 22, 6:30pm, at the Historic New Hanover County Courthouse, 24 North Third Street.
Awards to be presented for restoration, rehabilitation, compatible infill & adaptive reuse projects. Awards of Merit & the Brinkley Preservationist of the Year will be presented as well. Reception follows.
Co-sponsored by Residents of Old Wilmington, New Hanover County and Wilmington Downtown, Inc.
Thursday, May 29, 6:30pm Friendraiser and membership event. Riverwalk Landing at Elijah’s with shrimp, beer & music on the deck. HWF members $20; non-members join at the door. Raffle prizes! Music by Stray Local!
Current HWF members can bring a new member to the party & get in free!
Call 762-2511 to RSVP or click here to register online. Online registration closes at 4PM, May 29th.
“Fighting for Freedom”: US Colored Troops’ role in the Civil War
A lecture and tour presented by Dr. Chris Fonvielle, noted author and UNCW history professor. Series is sponsored by Bellamy Mansion Museum, Cape Fear Museum, Historical Society of the Lower Cape Fear and Historic Wilmington Foundation.
Tuesday, May 13, Lecture: “Lincoln’s Dilemma”
Sunday, May 18, Walking Tour of Forks Road Battlefield, Time: 3:00pm, Cameron Art Museum, 3201 S. 17th Street
Tuesday, May 20, Lecture: “US Colored Troops and the Fall of Wilmington”
Location of Lectures: Cape Fear Museum, 814 Market Street
Time for Lectures: 6:30pm Audience questions to follow.
$10 each. Call 762-2511 or click here to purchase.